BANK ACCOUNT OPENING IN UAE , Allow our team of dedicated experts to streamline and simplify the process of opening a business bank account for you. With our in-house professionals at your service, we ensure that the entire experience is effortless and convenient.


Don’t let the complexities of opening a business bank account in the UAE deter you. Our bank account opening service is designed to simplify the process and eliminate the challenges associated with strict compliance procedures mandated by the UAE Central Bank. Our knowledgeable team will be with you every step of the way, providing expert guidance and support to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience.

Must Know

In-person application

Your presence in person is necessary during the application process to meet with a bank representative, sign the application form, and submit the required documents.

Online application

If you are located outside the UAE, you have the option to initiate the bank account opening process online. However, your presence will still be required either through a phone call or an online meeting for verification purposes.

The standard processing time

The standard processing time for digital applications is typically around 14 days. However, for in-person applications, the processing time can be 25 working days or more, depending on the complexity of the application.


Client assessment

Upon reviewing your company's activities, operations, expected annual turnover, and initial funds available for opening the account, our team will thoroughly assess the information provided. Utilizing this assessment, our team will then provide recommendations on the most suitable bank for your business needs.

Liaising with the bank

If the bank requires additional information or procedures, we will handle the communication on your behalf and assist you in fulfilling any additional requirements. In situations where you are unable to meet with the Contact Point Verification Agent, we can also act as your representative to ensure a smooth process.


Our team will provide full assistance in gathering and preparing the necessary documents required by the bank.
We will guide you through the process of obtaining and organizing these documents to ensure a smooth and efficient account opening process.

Company Account Setup in UAE: A Comprehensive Guide for Entrepreneurs

The UAE stands as one of the most sought-after destinations for individuals looking to relocate, attracting approximately 200,000 newcomers annually. It offers a unique blend of stunning coastlines, bustling city life, and a plethora of experiences all in one place!

If you’re planning to establish your presence in the United Arab Emirates, a crucial step is to initiate your company account setup. A well-structured business account facilitates seamless financial transactions and payment processes within your new business environment.

To simplify the process for you, we’ve curated a concise guide on establishing a company account in the UAE. Let’s delve into understanding the diverse array of banking solutions that the UAE has to offer!

Exploring the Banking Landscape in the UAE

Before delving into the specifics of opening a company account in the UAE, let’s take a moment to explore the country’s banking sector. The UAE boasts a robust banking system regulated by a central bank.

Apart from the central bank, the nation houses around 50 local and international banks across its territories. The financial stability of the banking sector is underscored by robust capital reserves and liquidity buffers maintained by these banks.

The majority of UAE banks are funded through deposits, which contributes to their resilience against potential losses.

The UAE’s banking landscape encompasses four primary categories of banks, namely:

1. Commercial banks
2. Investment banks
3. Industrial banks
4. Islamic banks

Islamic banks have witnessed significant growth and popularity, as the UAE banks have actively expanded their services to cater to Islamic financial principles. This is especially relevant for the Islamic community residing in the UAE.

Presently, the nation boasts 23 Islamic bank windows and 8 fully-fledged Islamic banks, collectively constituting nearly 20% of the UAE’s banking sector.

In addition to Islamic banks, UAE banks extend their services to international clients and expatriates. These banks adhere to various international regulations and offer their services in both Arabic and English languages.

Some of the international regulations embraced by UAE banks encompass:

– International Accounting Standard
– International Financial Reporting Standards
– Capital Adequacy Regulations from Basel III Regulations

Diverse Range of Business Account Options

Before embarking on the process of setting up your company account in the UAE, it’s essential to grasp the range of business account options available, catering to both residents and non-residents.

Business Current Accounts:
An Emirates Islamic Business Current Account serves as a transactional platform, equipped with a checking option for account holders. This account comes with comprehensive features, including debit card facilities and check-book issuance, among others.

Business current accounts are ideal for day-to-day transactions and fund transfers. The availability of check-books proves beneficial for tasks like rent payments to landlords.

UAE banks typically offer two types of current accounts: one requiring salary transfers and the other not. If you’re employed in the UAE, opting for an account with your employer’s bank ensures faster salary transfers. Alternatively, using a different bank might result in a slight delay.

Emirates Islamic Current Account supports major currencies like USD*, GBP, AED, Euro, Yen, Saudi Riyal, Kuwaiti Dinar, Canadian Dollar, Qatari Riyal, Bahraini Dinar, and Omani Riyal. Notably, certain currency choices might not provide debit card and check-book options.

Maintaining a minimum balance of at least AED 3,000 is required for opening a Current Account, with the requirement waived upon salary transfer to the account.

Business Savings Accounts:
Many entrepreneurs opt for business savings accounts to optimize their financial resources. Savings accounts offer comparatively higher interest rates than checking accounts, albeit with limited access and potential withdrawal penalties.

These accounts function with either variable or fixed interest rates. Entrepreneurs can choose their preferred currency for account denomination.

While savings accounts can serve as salary accounts, they typically lack check-book facilities, which might limit certain use cases.

Selecting the right bank for a savings account is crucial, as interest rates, minimum deposits, and associated fees vary across banks. These seemingly minor differences can accumulate over time and impact your finances.

Business Investment Accounts:
Opening a business account in the UAE also opens doors to investment opportunities. UAE banks offer investment account services, enabling entrepreneurs to engage in various investment agreements.

Investment periods typically span from 12 months to a decade or more, with minimum assured annual returns varying between 3-7%.

It’s important to note that investment accounts entail minimum balance requirements, the specifics of which depend on the chosen bank.

Offshore Business Accounts:
The UAE serves as a hub for expatriates, thus offering offshore banking solutions from international jurisdictions. This is particularly evident in regions like Dubai, where many expats reside and work.

Valid residence visa holders in the UAE are eligible to open offshore accounts, facilitating secure and efficient fund transfers. Offshore banking often entails advantageous tax structures compared to other banking options.

The scope of offshore banking services in the UAE is diverse and includes aspects like asset protection, wealth management, portfolio management, private bank accounts, company formation, and inheritance planning.

Initiating the Company Account Setup Process

Equipped with this comprehensive knowledge, you’re now prepared to embark on the journey of establishing your company account in the UAE. The process is swift and efficient, typically taking a few days to a couple of weeks.

For residents, initiating a company account setup involves submitting the following documentation:

– Original passport and its copy
– Copy of UAE resident visa
– Salary certificate
– Emirates ID card or registration form copy (if applicable)

Non-residents, on the other hand, can open savings accounts. Despite the absence of a checkbook, a debit card enables fund withdrawals.

Non-resident savings account applications may involve background checks and additional documents, such as:

– Recent utility bill
– Reference letter from home bank
– Six most recent monthly bank statements from home bank
– Proof of consistent funding sources

These meticulous checks ensure the financial viability of maintaining a bank account in the UAE, potentially elongating the account opening process for non-residents.

Leveraging Mobile Banking for Account Opening

Mobile banking serves as a noteworthy facet of opening a business account in the UAE. With technology playing a pivotal role, certain banks facilitate account creation through their mobile banking apps.

Although most banks offer mobile banking functions for transactions and balance checks, only a select few enable account opening through their apps.

Prominent banks such as Liv, backed by Emirates NBD; Neo, powered by Mashreq; and YAP, the UAE’s first independent digital banking platform, permit mobile account creation.

This process involves downloading the application, scanning your Emirates ID, and navigating an account opening interface similar to online platforms. Upon funding the account, a local delivery team arranges the delivery of your new debit card within a few days.

These debit cards boast international usability, functional across diverse ATMs. Moreover, they come equipped with a Swift code and IBAN account number, facilitating efficient transfers.

Corporate Account Setup for Business Operations

Entrepreneurs intending to conduct business activities in the UAE must establish a corporate bank account. UAE legislation prohibits business transactions through personal accounts, underscoring the necessity of a corporate account.

Corporate accounts typically take between two to four weeks to establish and are often current accounts to accommodate substantial transaction volumes.

Setting up a corporate bank account entails providing additional documents, although the specifics can vary based on the chosen bank and company type. The requisite documents generally include:

– Company trade license
– Certificate of company registration
– Share certificates
– Company’s articles of association and memorandum
– Board letter authorizing a

company officer to open the account
– Visas and passports of shareholders

With these documents in hand, you’re well-prepared to initiate your corporate account setup.

Selecting the Ideal Bank for Your Business Needs

As an expat entrepreneur, choosing the right bank for your business account setup can be a daunting endeavor. Rest assured, approximately 85% of the UAE’s population comprises expatriates, indicating banks’ familiarity with catering to their requirements.

To ensure your banking experience aligns with your needs, consider asking crucial questions to potential banks:

– Is there a required minimum balance, and if so, what is it?
– What fees and penalties are associated with the account?
– Do you mandate salary transfers?
– What is the monthly withdrawal limit?
– What are the fees for ATM cards, debit cards, and checkbooks?
– Do you offer international transfer services, and what are the transfer durations?
– How extensive is your ATM network and where are the locations?
– How is an outstanding loan managed in the event of job loss?

Gaining clarity on these aspects will enable you to assess whether a bank is suited to your requirements. Additionally, inquire if your employer is affiliated with a specific bank, as this can streamline salary access.

Reviews and recommendations from colleagues, friends, and industry peers provide valuable insights into the bank’s operational efficiency.

Navigating Business Credit Cards in the UAE

Business credit cards serve as specialized credit facilities designed for small business expenses. They contribute to building your business’s credit score and overall financial health. Eligibility for a business credit card involves factors like age, income, and a valid trade license.

Choosing the right credit card entails assessing offerings from various banks, considering eligibility criteria and requirements. This meticulous selection process ensures aligning your business needs with the most suitable credit card option.

Effortless Financial Management in the UAE

Mastering the intricacies of setting up a company account in the UAE is pivotal for entrepreneurs seeking to flourish in this remarkable country. Armed with this comprehensive guide, you’re well-equipped to navigate the account setup process and seamlessly manage your finances.

Are you poised to establish your business in the UAE? Virtuzone stands ready to assist you! Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the process of relocating to the UAE and initiating your business venture. Feel free to connect with us to embark on your UAE business journey!

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